Yay! I already received my email invitation to this event, makes me really excited. I'm sharing it with you, find something worthy to do on the night of November 08, email getintouch@francismfoundation.com for more details.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Event: 2012 BDJ Fair: Take Flight!
What could be the best SWAG of a career woman and a hands-on mom who juggles her time and enjoys every minute, every hour, every day, every week and every month of it?
My answer: The 2012 Belle de Jour Power Planner!

Calling all the ladies out there! We are all invited for this year’s 2012 BDJ Fair: Take Flight event happening on Sunday, October 16 at the Eastwood Open Park area. If you want to see what SWAG I’m talking about, come and join the fun.
Here are my top 5 reasons why I’m excited to be there:
1. 2012 Belle De Jour Power Planner
Since I saw my friends from work using this planner back in 2009, I've always wanted to have one. I was drooling on the chic pages of Belle De Jour Planner and everything definitely speaks of it as indeed the perfect planner for women. I'm actually a sucker for stationery-like pages, love and inspirational quotes, phrases outlined in a daily journal, short articles that is worth reading for the nth time and all the lovely hues of pink, purple, orange, green, indigo, green – all these and more are love! I guess I have never outgrown my high school genre when all these stuff are totally a hit, I still crave. To find all these in Belle De Jour Power Planner is indeed a treat but to find more efficient features inside is just amazing! And to avail one at 20% discount (good for the day of fair only), I surely wouldn’t miss to be there.
2. Talks on Passion, Style and More!
When I saw the list of activities and talks, and learned that my friends are signing up, I signed up too. It’s going to be really exciting because the topics and personalities who will be there to discuss are known to be passionate in things they do. I have attended a couple of passion series and rendezvous hosted by BDJ and it’s always worth the time and effort I must say. I’m grateful that I got to learn a lot and always get inspired from worthy people who selflessly shares their success stories and even give tips how we could be just like them, and all I need to do is to be there, sit down and listen without paying for anything, it’s really amazing. And they become possible through BDJ, so thank you BDJ! :)
The talks lined up for the event are the following:
SHOP AROUND THE WORLD - by Alyanna Martinez (SLOTS = 200 PAX)
Feel on top of the world and shop in any currency for a bargain! Find out where to buy the most sought after “imported” fashion and beauty finds anywhere in the world. Stylist to the stars and savvy shopper, Alyanna Martinez spills her shopping secrets and destinations. Think global in terms of finding the best deal for your travel mementos.
SCAVENGER HUNT: The Amazing Minute Marathon (SLOTS = 100 PAX)
Travel through precious time and seek treasures around the fair grounds and around Eastwood City’s fun and exciting labyrinth! Complete certain tasks, rendezvous with your travel buddies and push your limits as you explore your confidence and creativity! Bring your digital camera and make sure you’re in comfy transit wear! Prizes await the winning team!
TRIPPIN’ - by Sole Sisters (SLOTS = 200 PAX)
The lessons we learn through experience come with a price. Know how to budget, plan and still make the most out of your trips through ingenious planning, knowing what websites to bookmark, hotel accommodations to crash in, backpackin’ and food-trippin’ tips to maximize whatever destination you choose to go to from the stylish Asian-backpacker bloggers, the Sole Sisters.
KILOMETER ZERO - by Carelle Mangaliag (SLOTS = 200 PAX)
In life, we seek to go through the road less travelled and find our way through the labyrinth of love, career and friendships with hardly a manual or GPS to guide us through treacherous tracks. Listen and be amazed by neuro-linguistic program certified trainor, Carelle Mangaliag on how she has taken U-turns, made the most out of her pit stops and what tools she used to race through her passion for the journey called life!
Walk the runway in styles that take you from airport comfy to Parisian London style ready! Be part of the 10 models for the BDJ 2012 Fashion Show showcasing the trendiest global-trotting ensembles from Promod and Parfois. (1) Tell us what you love about PROMOD or PARFOIS AND (2) submit a full body photo with your vital statistics (bust, waist and hips size), and your complete contact details. Accepted models will be confirmed by October 7.
GET LOST IN STYLE - by Divine Lee (SLOTS = 200 PAX)
Traveling is stressful. But shopping while traveling makes it all worth it except that your baggage limit might just skyrocket! Know what to pack, wear and how to plan mixing and matching pieces to wear for a 3, 5 or a month-long trip to the beach, the mountains or low-temperature continents! Get tips from the guru of travel, style and practicality, Ms. Divine Lee, as she breezes you through her own hoorays and hooplas and how she conquers the world in style.
Note: You might want to check Belle De Jour’s facebook page if you want to participate to any of the above activities, some slots might still be open.
The list of participating sponsors/partners/brands are just as exciting as the talks I’ve listed above because they’re gonna be giving out cool stuff and mind you, they’re quite many and I saw some of my favorite brands in the list. Hope it rain for more luck for me on Sunday hehe.
Oh I just love her – For me she’s really one of the most interesting personalities who really shines not only because she’s rich being a real estate heiress, not just because of her envy-worthy collection of LVs, Hermes and more designer bags and owning a killer body and strong sense of fashion style. There’s something about her that tells me she’s more than all the luxuries she is known for. She’s a great woman, gay icon, and a trendsetter, someone who caught my interest and made me blogged about her twice this year and I just can’t contain my excitement to meet her in person.
Divine will be the host/speaker for the segment “Get Lost in Style”.
5. One Great Reunion for BDJ Bellas
Aside from my friends who come from my inner circle taking part on this event, I’m also excited to see other bellas I got to meet in previous BDJ events. This is the time of the year when all these ladies come together, gather in a big venue to meet more friends and have fun. You get to meet ladies from different fields and the only thing that you have in common is BDJ. Just like after every BDJ event ends, exchanging contacts, facebook/twitter/blog profiles are expected. I actually don’t mind if my facebook friends are growing because most of the time, these ladies are worthy for keeps.
So there, see you all at the 2012 BDJ Fair: Take Flight!
Christopher Lao for BPI's TVC
Yesterday, I received a text message from a PR firm inviting me for BPI's auto-loan online campaign launch. The PR firm is a respectable one so despite my schedule is quite unfit, I confirmed. Then today I saw this video from YouTube shared in facebook and twitter so I watched.
The video is a parody of an incident where Mr. Christopher Lao got on the news. He became famous after his "I was not informed!" remarks after experiencing a mishap when he, while inside his, car got stuck in the flood. His reactions were severely ridiculed in various social media sites, some addresed him with "ugly" names, some even created hate pages for him. I admit I was one of those who laughed but I didn't hate, it was like more of an amusement.
The video still earned a few "hate" comments but more are commending him. Someone even said he could now afford to buy a new car courtesy of his talent fee from BPI. You must watch the video, Mr. Lao looked really great and I think he lost weight (I hope not because of what he has gone through though hehe).
Guess I have an idea who I will be meeting tomorrow, at least I am informed! :)
Here, watch the video and share what you think:).
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Party at 8:00 AM!
October 8. Saturday. Weekend. One EPIC day at mom's house!
If there's one thing I miss about my parents' house aside from a full breakfast made by mom, it is having the luxury to sleep all I want and staying in bed till noon time. When I was still single, I can afford to party all night on Fridays as long as I have the key to our house if I decide to retire from a tiring and wasted time which usually ends by 3am. It’s not that I miss that kind of life but sometimes you also wish that you could still spend more time with your friends, have a couple of drinks or dance the night away because all that matters is you're having fun. However, being a mom myself, I know that won't fit me anymore. I enjoy my husband and my son's company without being tired and drunk and I get used to it and loving it for like four years since my first born has came to my life.
Anyway, last Friday, I came from a straight shift of work starting Thursday night (10pm - 7am) and (7am - 4pm) on Friday then went to a real estate seminar till 8pm. You could imagine how wasted a person could be with that routine but to my surprise I was still alive and kicking when I went to my parents' place. I was supposed to fetch my son but since I rarely see my Ate and mom, I stayed a few hours more. It was 11pm already and dear mom didn't allow us to go home and told us to sleep over. My younger sis came home late and we both slept around 12 midnight after sharing a few talks in bed.
I thought it was practical to spend the night because I'm sure I couldn't afford to wake up in my normal Saturday call time to start the laundry early. I felt it when my sis went off the bed and after an hour when Robin followed. My nieces tried to wake me up like three times for breakfast is ready but I insist to stay in bed. I love the cold weather, cuddling the pillows utter a silent gratefulness for moments of idleness...it's just me and my pillows in a comfy bed, thank God for this.
However, I didn't realize a spoiler exists and sadly, forced me to get up. My gosh! It was like "bring the house down" while Jay Sean's 2012 music playing in the max volume of our stereo then minutes after followed by Kesha's "Your love is my drug" then Kattie Perry, Cali Swag, Bruno Mars and more! Wow! If I'm in our own house, I would have been cursing in my mind those inconsiderate deaf-like neighbors of ours who used to do the same thinking its normal to play loud music early in the morning. But no, I'm in my parents’ house and yeah, that is actually a normal thing. I know right?
But instead of getting mad, it actually made me smile and brought me back to days when mom wouldn't care if you haven't had gotten your sleep coming from a late night of partying. The hell she cares! It's the risk you are taking...you party all night, you suffer the consequences because weekend shall be lively for everyone else in the house. And lively means playing loud music as early as 8 AM while everyone is busy doing their chores - turning clothes in the washer, scrubbing the floor, and dusting off while dancing. That's how mom is, well she is literally loud but I guess she just want to switch the day to happy and energetic mood and sweating off is not bad, it makes you healthy isn't it?
So there I decided to get up and checkout the party people outside. I was not surprised to see my younger sis and my nieces dancing and so I joined them! I know I'm craving for sleep and I have the opportunity but then I couldn't resist taking part on that one-of-a-kind party, showcase the moves I have long forgotten, take a sip from your cup of coffee instead of hangover-provoking drinks and most of all, laughing out and having fun with my ever dearest family. TGIS! :)
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
May you rest in peace Steve Jobs...
If you got work that has something to do with apple and mac products all years of your career life, today's news about Steve Jobs's death would probably not sink to your head easily, guess you could only utter.."No Way..???"
Just a few hours ago when I blog about how cool the new Apple iPhone 4S, I was shocked seeing posts and tweets in facebook and twitter that Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, has passed away and this was confirmed if you go to Apple's web site, their home page is switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011." Clicking on the image revealed the additional text: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."
This is indeed a very sad news for the world. Steve Jobs is the man who not only changed the world with his amazing contributions to the technology...he has improved the lives of so many people. Who would know if there would be another man who is as genius as Jobs, I simply couldn't just imagine his loss and yes I am deeply affected. For those who may ask, my career has evolved to 10 years of being exposed to mostly apple/mac products and was privileged to have tried and owned some. My younger years were challenged to prove and defend every Mac products our company sell to customers, it was sometimes difficult but it was fulfilling. It was fun having the chance to test & use a mac, an iPod then because we got exclusive distributorship and we get our hands first on these amazing products before consumers can even buy them in the Philippines. I'm sure even people who have not experienced to use any apple or mac products know Steve Jobs and Apple as one.
Whatever walks we come from...the fact that can't be denied is that the world has lost one great man..
RIP Steve Jobs and Thank you!
Just a few hours ago when I blog about how cool the new Apple iPhone 4S, I was shocked seeing posts and tweets in facebook and twitter that Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, has passed away and this was confirmed if you go to Apple's web site, their home page is switched to a full-page image of Jobs with the text, "Steve Jobs 1955-2011." Clicking on the image revealed the additional text: "Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple."
This is indeed a very sad news for the world. Steve Jobs is the man who not only changed the world with his amazing contributions to the technology...he has improved the lives of so many people. Who would know if there would be another man who is as genius as Jobs, I simply couldn't just imagine his loss and yes I am deeply affected. For those who may ask, my career has evolved to 10 years of being exposed to mostly apple/mac products and was privileged to have tried and owned some. My younger years were challenged to prove and defend every Mac products our company sell to customers, it was sometimes difficult but it was fulfilling. It was fun having the chance to test & use a mac, an iPod then because we got exclusive distributorship and we get our hands first on these amazing products before consumers can even buy them in the Philippines. I'm sure even people who have not experienced to use any apple or mac products know Steve Jobs and Apple as one.
Whatever walks we come from...the fact that can't be denied is that the world has lost one great man..
RIP Steve Jobs and Thank you!
Apple iPhone 4S is still a cool phone!
Despite a number of disappointments aired in various social media sites yesterday about the newest Apple Toy, the iPhone 4S, I still think that it's still a cool phone and indeed one of the best phones ever invented by Jobs and his co-geeks.
No, I'm not buying one because I couldn't afford it, its too expensive for me. However, should I be lucky once more and win one, I would definitely jump for joy! After all, I'm excited about the "Siri" feature of iPhone 4S, ask "Siri" and you get your things done, isn't that cool? That's way beyond cool for me hehe.
Watch the video and you might be just convinced and probably before you know it, your upgrading your current phone :)
No, I'm not buying one because I couldn't afford it, its too expensive for me. However, should I be lucky once more and win one, I would definitely jump for joy! After all, I'm excited about the "Siri" feature of iPhone 4S, ask "Siri" and you get your things done, isn't that cool? That's way beyond cool for me hehe.
Watch the video and you might be just convinced and probably before you know it, your upgrading your current phone :)
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