Saturday, July 10, 2021

Dear Survivor: Grace Amidst Adversity

Dear Survivor,

Hello. How’s life so far? 

More than a year has passed but here you are, still alive and beyond grateful. Thank you for staying strong, for keeping up with the daily form of struggles, and for never giving up.  It was indeed a tough battle and while many have given up, some involuntarily and not ready, you’re among the fortunate victors of the toughest battle the world has to go through. Congratulations.

Ever since young, you’ve always been a risk-taker. You don’t care what life throws at you. You simply consider it as part of the deal living here on earth. You are brave. You’re steadfast. You trust God.  Until 2020 came, a deadly virus dominates the news, and later on, who would think it will dominate the world. As fast as the news of death and people getting inflicted with viruses and hospitals cramming up, your armor of faith and resilience is also wavering in equal speed.